Collectivizing Language Justice

Over the past decade, language service cooperatives and collectives have emerged across the United States. There is no one formula or model that all of these groups follow - different structures and approaches carry benefits or disadvantages depending on the group, its goals, and context. Hudson Valley Farm Hub has invited Decentering Dominance to work on a project to document different models of collectivizing language justice work across the United States by worker-owned cooperatives, collectives, and non-profit organizations.

The outcomes will be published on this site and they will involve: 1) A public-facing directory of groups currently providing language services, 2) profiles and interview excerpts based on long-format interviews with 12 different language justice groups, and 3) a map containing all the different groups that we’ve been able to locate through this work.

While documenting this important history, we also aim to generate and circulate a resource for anyone interested in learning more about language justice groups, those curious about what their peers in language justice work are doing, or anyone who may be interested in starting their own group.

Directory of groups that practice and facilitate language justice


Decentering Dominance